paralysis agitans / (ˈædʒɪˌtænz) /


paralysis agitans 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. another name for Parkinson's disease

paralysis agitans 近义词

paralysis agitans

等同于 parkinson's disease

paralysis agitans 的近义词 2

更多paralysis agitans例句

  1. Obama has long argued that Republican obstructionism is to blame for the current paralysis in government.
  2. The shooting left Brady with slurred speech, and with partial paralysis, which required him to use a wheelchair.
  3. A feeling of helplessness and its resulting paralysis are the enemy of the Good.
  4. Yet not everyone is caught up this vortex of paralysis and resentment.
  5. Lou continued to hope that his creeping paralysis could be halted.
  6. Suffering from paralysis for years previous, his mental energy, as a chronic invalid, was amazing.
  7. These symptoms may be present in a variety of degrees, and in advanced cases even imbecility or paralysis may ensue.
  8. Paralysis has unnerved and unstrung the whole system and yet the mind has remained uninjured.
  9. Of course, if it's repeated enough, it will end up as a permanent paralysis of the part stimulated.
  10. Overhead a bird chirped in loneliness, and the sky slowly turned pearly hued as the paralysis left him.